Monday, June 11, 2007

welcome to the world of make believe

Our day involved a lot of imagining, role playing, and dress up. It's pretty great for me to let go of my "agenda" for the day and get caught up in the captivating world my kids spin around themselves. Xavi woke up at the crack of dawn with his dad this morning while I had a most difficult time convincing myself to get up. Xavier decided to help by taking absolutely lovely pictures of my sleepy stupor. These pictures will not be released to the public. Xavier built a castle/hotel in his room and then we all headed downstairs for dressing up. They were a dragon, frog, and a doctor butterfly. He insisted that I wrap up his arms in the silk because "butterflies don't have arms." He's right there.

Gee, I am having difficulties getting the pictures in the right order. Oh, well. I made Lemon Poppy seed muffins this morning and Xavi inhaled 2 of them. While eating we were talking about what letter starts what word. I said "Mmmm, M is for muffin." With a mouth overflowing with muffin Xavier said "D is for delicious!" I laughed and told him he was too cute. "I'm not cute, just handsome" was his reply. I would say he's definitely both.Soleil follows Xavi everywhere and mimics whatever he is doing. Xavi plays with Transformers, Soleil is playing too. She especially digs games that involves loud sound effects. She can "vroom" and "roar" with the best of them!

Xavi was excited about the Transformer family he had put together (picture above.) It consisted of 2 moms and twins. He then showed me how the babies "popped" out of the mom's uterus. "More than meets the eye" indeed!

Fun day. I now must conquer the mountain of clothes that rivals Mount Everest that is taking over the bathroom. Sigh. Maybe I'll just "make believe" it's not there!


Stephanie said...

Superfun! :)
(and you can just drag the pics around)

A great lively day.
I hope for another for you tomorrow.
sans laundry.

Aubrey said...

The pictures don't want to drag for me. Very frustrating. I'm sure it is something easy that I am totally missing. Just bear with sloppy picture placement until I have my lightbulb moment. :)

Stephanie said...

love the pink butterfly froofroo with the telescope bit.
a true classic!

Stephanie said...

YOu've been tagged!
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