Monday, February 4, 2008


I have considered writing a post in support of my candidate of choice, Barack Obama, for awhile now- but something has stopped me. Not sure what exactly what has stopped me, but I feel strongly about using this space to explore and talk about things that speak to my heart.

Obama is one of those people that speaks directly to my heart.

When there are so many issues to look at and weigh, so much crap to cut through, so much venom and greed and ego involved in campaigning, who really ends up knowing anything besides how they feel about a candidate in their heart? When we look into our heart we will find the leader that rings true. We will find the leader that fills you with hope, and tingles, and tears of joy.

This is how I feel about Obama.

I first saw this video on Boho's blog and I couldn't stop watching it. It is beautiful, powerful, and filled to the brim with hope and the wish for change.

For some reason I am having problems uploading the video so please link to it here.

Please vote.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

There's love waiting for you at OLM if you'd care to receive it.