Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the in between

apparently we didn't put our trust in jesus in regards to our tires since our rear tire blew out on our way out of san diego.
next time, i promise.

um, hello october. your here rather early.
aren't you?
i swear there has got to be some sort of mix-up.
i still had a lot of summerish stuff to do and here you are shoving fall in my face.
i have a major craving for more peaches, and tomatoes, and while i am asking, another trip to the ocean would be nice too. usually by this time i am saying yay! fall is here! but not this year.
at least not yet.

well, i suppose that might be a small lie, cause i did can things in jars. that's a fallish activity. and i did pull out halloween decorations today. another activity that is reserved only for fall.


so i am halfway there between summer and fall. i sorta feel that i am always in the in between.

and while i am whining, is there anything more gross than fruit flies nesting on your toothbrush?
i think not.

they must have not gotten the memo that fall is here either.

shoo fly.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I wrote about Autumn today, too.

[smile] But I think mine's a bit more welcoming than yours.