Thursday, September 4, 2008

on politics

i can't seem to pull myself away from the madness of the political climate right now. i have listened, read, and thought a lot about sarah palin and why exactly i'm even thinking about this woman.....i'm at a loss.

i watched her speech last night at the GOP convention and frankly, i was absolutely horrified. she talked nothing about her qualifications, experience, or how she plans to help americans. not a word about the real issues facing our country were uttered. all i heard was drill now! and more nuclear reactors! and, oh yeah, mean spirited, untrue attacks on barack obama. i was and still am sick to my stomach.

what i appreciate about obama is that he feeds our belief that humanity is overwhelmingly good and kind, that we are all connected by the common desires of freedom, safety, and happiness. what i heard last night was the fuel for fear.

i felt more hopeful after reading this. it's smart, well thought out, and anti-dramatic.

i also felt more hopeful after visiting the official barack obama store and purchasing t-shirts and a yard sign. i like to think that i am turning this frustration i am feeling and directing it to something positive, something that will help.

and because john stewart is funny, i watched this. he hits the nail on the head every time.


Jan said...

I also was horrified and amazed that there are Republicans that think that since she's female, she can sway Clinton supporters. I went and read numerous newspaper stories about Palin to make sure I wasn't having a knee jerk reaction. I wasn't; she has supported killing wolves and bears by plane and offers a $150 bounty, favors drilling in ANWAR, had a group of ministry students pray for the $30 billion natural gas pipeline, believes that it's God's will that we are in Iraq, reduced funding for teenagers in trouble, is totally anti-choice and on and on. You're right; Jon Stewart totally nailed it. I have to believe that there thoughtful, intelligent people out there of both parties that will do the homework and see that this is not a good thing, female or not. It feeds our fear, is smug and demeaning and I won't put up with it.

jan said...

I'm at a loss and pull myself out of the race...........
