Wednesday, December 17, 2008


we woke up before the sun came up and the moon went down. the brightest moon of the year, i will add. it was rather special to be in the town of my girl's birth and be blessed to rise in time to see this:

then we turned to the west and saw this:

as if the sun and moon conspired to give a ravishing birthday hello to my three year old soleil luna.

happy birthday indeed.
we love you with all our hearts....


Julie said...

Very cool! It was the closest the moon has been to earth in 15 years. That night it looked sooo huge hanging low in the sky, very surreal to say the least.

Hope Soleil had a very happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

We loved loved loved having you all this past weekend. Lots of partying, lots of fun. Our house was awfully quiet once you were gone and I already told you Peppy was depressed, looking all around for the kids (and food on the floor, no doubt). We love you guys so much!