Tuesday, December 30, 2008

tiny dancer

a large majority of the gifts i gave this year were handmade by yours truly. whenever i make gifts i tend to gravitate to the projects i haven't attempted before, with new techniques and materials. my projects didn't go very quickly. i started getting overwhelmed a week before christmas and a million and two things still to make.

so, after many 2 am nights and many sore fingers, i did manage to finish a few things. all my gifts were huge successes and i am particularly proud of ms. ballerina above.

is it bad to say i secretly wanted to keep her?


Stephanie said...

I like her very much.
Even if I'm not a ballerina kind of girl! :)

Stephanie Ozenne said...

Aubrey - she's incredible! Seriously, wow.

And I have to admit that while the first two sock-monsters I made were originally for my mom, I couldn't part with them, either.

Jan said...

Well, now I feel both lucky to have her and sad that you don't! Maybe we could share custody of her. I think she's about the cutest thing ever and I'm so proud of all the things you made this year.

Julie said...

Very whimsical. I love it! Great work!