Monday, September 10, 2007


Apples + ............
Pie = ........................

Two thumbs way up.


Kelli said...

I want some!
Are those apples from your own tree or did you get them from someone else? Remember the apple tree in the Manzanita Dorms that used to be my daily bread (breakfast) on the way to German 101 with Syd?
Aaahh...good times. Speaking of dorms, Dana Williams (Neal) is pregnant!
Arrrrrr matey

Aubrey said...

they are from our tree. about the only ones we got this year, all the rest blew off before they were ripe.
pass on my congrats to dana. she lives in vegas right?
are you in back in school?

Kelli said...

Yes and yes. We are heading to Moab the 22nd to see Chantel Thackeray (remember her?) get married. I am excited to be back in the red desert; a good change from this brown one I live in.

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous Pie!
I'd have come abeggin', but I'm sure it's long gone by now....

Aubrey said...

oh, yes.
xavi and i ate it for breakfast the past few mornings.
i gave up cutting slices and just would pull the whole thing out and dig in with a fork.
"mom, are you going to eat the whole pie?"
asks xavi with big eyes and curious look.

just so you know, i didn't.
at least not in one sitting.