Monday, June 18, 2007

the pursuit of Happiness

The law of happiness is "let things come to you."

What comes to you will make you happy, what you go after shall make you miserable.

The "going after it" will make you sweaty and miserable.

Then when you get it, you can't handle it."

-Yogi Bhajan, PhD

A lot of thought has gone into my current predicament. Thinking about emotional evolution, what I really need to be fulfilled, how I can look at any situation in a positive light and as an opportunity to grow.

When I was younger I kept tabs on my emotional growth. I compared what I knew and understood at the moment versus what I knew and understood a year ago, a month ago, a day ago. I made those mental connections and thought I was unique in this perspective. Around me I saw only emotionally stagnant people. I figured once you got to a certain age you "knew it all" in a sense. You stopped making those mental connections, stopped trying to understand your life, stopped growing. I didn't want to be one of those people.

This is one of the marvels of unschooling. It's not just about disagreeing with forced learning, or wanting my kids to be free and respected. It's not just about trusting that my children are born with the knowledge on how to live their own lives.

It's about trusting ourselves. It's about always being able to look inside and make the necessary self-changes in order to live in harmony with others. It's about the journey. The inner dialogue. The self-learning. The never-ending emotional growth.

Isn't that glorious? Isn't that the most exciting thought? We as human beings never have to "know it all." We can always learn. And grow. Always make those connections.

And my children get to witness my evolution. They will know that we never just stop growing. This is an idea I am just coming to terms with now. My children will understand this much earlier. There isn't a finish line. We never graduate from learning.

I get to be a life-long unschooler.

That's what I like to think of as my pursuit of Happiness.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

It is indeed glorious, and a very exciting thought.
Thanks for placing it so beautifully into plain words.