Wednesday, January 9, 2008


"Aubrey, only 6 more sleeps until we move to that new house!"

Everything is counted down by how many sleeps we have until the big day. And the big moving day is approaching too quickly. I have packed, well, not much. I get sidetracked, or procrastinate, or I'm just plain ol' too busy with all the stuff that takes up my day, everyday.

I am so glad and happy that Xavi is excited to make this move. The kid has moved around, a LOT. More than a kid should and I feel quite guilty about it. But he seems to be braving the move with joy and thinking of it as a wild adventure. His attitude has been a nice reminder to be brave when facing change, to take this move on with gratitude that we are opening the next chapter of our lives. And I know this chapter will be the juiciest yet.

So with that, I really should pack.

But only after dinner...........

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