Saturday, June 28, 2008

look before leaping

i make my mind up quickly. i'll readily admit that i'm not so good at deliberation regarding big, life changing decisions. i just do if it feels good. but, when it comes to deciding what restaurant to eat dinner at, well, i might have to pull out the pros vs. cons charts and data. that is what i call a tough decision. it's totally a big deal cause who wants to pay a crap load of money for food that didn't quite hit the spot? not me. no way.

what was i talking about? oh, yeah, thinking things through. like, for example, everyone in our household going to college at once. and while i still think it's a kick ass idea for chris and i to finish our degrees, i realize that i need to take a few deep yoga breaths and try out this new thing called, pacing myself.

so, chris will go to school first and i'll take a few classes a week to make sure that's what i want to do. at least that's the plan as for this evening. you see, along with the leaping much too quickly problem, i also have this other character flaw called being a flake. i loose my interest quickly and move on to my next leap.

leap, leap.

i really have no clue how this will all play out, or if it ever will. i am, although, feeling some winds of change heading over in our direction. i also know that i'm getting might itchy feet, but i promise to think it over for at least a minute or two first before jumping head first.

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