Thursday, August 16, 2007

my camera experiment

So after owning my camera for only 4+ years, I just figured out that hey! my camera does other tricks than just flashing when I tell it to. There is a black and white function and sepia too. Oh, and there are a bunch of other fun things that I have messed around with getting interesting results. I am not sure why I just discovered them now. I do know, however, that I am getting increasingly jealous of the stunning pictures I have been running across in blogs. Stephs, Julies, this one, and this one too. And there are many, many more out there.

So, here I take a crack at being a "photographer." I would love any input, as long as it's "oh my, your kids are cute." Please be forgiving as my camera is ancient. What sort of camera should I invest in next? I want something that will make every shot look spectacular and very easy to use for an amateur.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think your pictures are great! Try not to think that you need an expensive, or new camera to take good pictures, that is not true. I like it when people say "this camera takes awful pictures" or "your camera takes great pictures", it's not the camera, it's the operator:) Some artists use $8 plastic cameras! It's all in how you perceive your world and how you want to communicate it to others or even just to yourself. Anyway, experimenting is everything, take LOTS of pictures all the time and you will get a feel for what you like and what you don't with your own pictures. Follow the "rules" of photography and then break all the rules and see what you get.

If you do get a new camera, it's actually nice if it's not totally automated, perhaps one that you can atleast change your speed & aperature or atleast your ISO (film speed). I recently discovered on my digital camera that I can change the ISO (after 9 months!), so now I can set it to 800 inside and not have to use my flash!

And remember this fact: On average fine artists who use photography as their medium have only 10% of the pictures they take turn out how they want, or that are "art worthy". Thank god for digital!

Good Luck!
