Friday, August 3, 2007

You're Fired!!!

So lately, when Xavier is really upset at someone and life is feeling rotten for him, he has been letting us all know by screaming at the top of his lungs, and I do mean at the top of his lungs, "YOUR'E FIRED!!!"

When he first started doing this a week or so ago my first thought was where did he get that from? I haven't heard Dora the Explorer tell Boots the monkey that he is a really lousy monkey sidekick and he better find his butt a new job. Nor have I heard anyone tell Elmo that if he refers to himself in the third person one more time he's out of there. And we have never, ever seen one episode of The Apprentice.

Cue Donald Trump photo.........................................

So it just became something Xavier did, not much more thought was given on it.

Until, I was thinking about it while nursing Soleil this evening (get lots of thinking done then) and had to laugh out loud. And I did do just that.

How funny is it that my 3 year old knows exactly what to say to send the clear message to his mother that she needs to step off (a fun new saying around here.) And why haven't I given it much more thought on why my son is telling me to get a new day job. And night job.

Possibly it is the shrill tone in which he is delivering the message. I am just tuning out the screaming and have not been focusing on what he is trying to get through my thick skull. And it must be thick.

I suppose it's time to think on why my son wants me fired in the first place. And now that his message to me has finally sunken in I promise to ponder it deeper.

Oh the wisdom of a 3 year old is something to cherish. Not only that, how cool would it be to be able to really stick it to that person that gets under your skin and just tell them, You're Fired!!!

But I won't.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love this post!
It's a great expression for lots of reasons - the freedom to say it-shout it, is wonderful.
Also the reeling in it does to your mind that has drifted out of a mindful state- pretty cool - the levity of it just makes it that much more perfect.
Yay Xavi.