Saturday, October 6, 2007

the pep rally in my head

So lately I have needed a little extra boost to keep on moving, stepping forward, sometimes just functioning. I have found myself repeating phrases over and over like a mantra.
Words that speak directly to my happy place and give me much needed moments of clarity.
And this does help in my desperate moments of needing a different outlook.
It doesn't always work perfectly, and I have been known to drop the ball so to speak, but I have seen this practice help me in my personal evolution.

Thought I would share a few of mine but I am going to ask that in return, please share with me your magic words. Words that give your spirit a little boost when it's down.
Thank you.

Here are some of mine:

-How would I be without this thought?

-What am I committed to? (thanks melissa)

-Fake it till you make it.

-What do I want to attract? What do I need to focus on to attract this?

-Happy, healthy, gentle, peaceful.

-Sometimes song lyrics help like,
I can't believe that we would lie in our graves wondering if we spent our living days well.
I can't believe that we would lie in our graves dreaming of things that we might have been.
(Dave Matthews, Lie in our Graves)

That is all I can think of right now. I know there are many, many more.
I'm feeling kind of drained at the moment and will be waiting eagerly for some other bits o' wisdom.
I could surely use them.

Love to all.


Melissia said...

What do I know for sure?
I find there are about a handful of things I know with absolute certainty- it really clears out my fears to put the situation I am dealing with in terms of what I know to be absolutely true for me. It also steers me in the direction of thinking about others actions with a more positive tone. :) I hear those mantras in my head all day long. I love when one of them knocks the little devil in my brain right out of commission.

Aubrey said...

Today, when all was crazy chaotic. With never-stopping energizer bunny children busy around me, I stopped to think.
Do I freak out?
No, it's really not a big deal.
I mean, would I really want my life any other way?