Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the seasons are a changing..........

Oh, it's Autumn time.
Truthfully, Fall has never struck me as something too special before, until this year. It has been just knocking my off my socks. Really.
Just to be totally aware, and immerse myself completely in the smells, sights, colors, light, and absolute beauty of the season has been a wonder for me.
This ginormous bush is in the back corner of my yard and it sets the whole backyard ablaze with color.
Don't know the technical name for these, we call them bird berries.
Good enough, eh?

I am diggin' the fungi.

Yes, I know this picture is cheesy.
No, I didn't grow all this myself.
I did however grow, cut, arrange, and water the roses all by myself.
Aren't they purdy?

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